February 03, 2014 10:00AM - 10:00PM at Provisions Market
This is a whole new kind of school. It's time to study beer!!!Class will commence with the Chapman school semester, Feb. 3rd, and will continue through the last day of instruction, May 17th. Register Now: http://provisions101.eventbrite.comLearn more below!IMPORTANT: You DO NOT have to be a Chapman student to register for classes.You will be required to attend class once per day, at a time of your choosing, not including Holidays or Weekends. Each class day, you must consume one beer from our vast selection, not for the purpose of inebriation, but for the purpose of study. Notes on mouthfeel, body, and finish will be taken, and you will feel smarter every day. Each semester will earn you a degree (AA, BA, MA, PHD). At the completion of 4 semesters, you will be a "Scholar." Scholar status will earn you extra discounts, admission to events, a pat on the back, and you will be able to brag to all of your friends and fellow students.Tests will be given at the end of each semester: They will include blind tastings, written exams, bobbing for apples, and general activities that prove your worth. Grades will be pass or fail - no pressure. At that time, you will receive your diploma, in the form of a T-shirt. Again, you can use this to show off to your friends how cool you are (and how many amazing beers you've tried). Make-up days are Saturday & Sunday, and you will be allowed to make up for any missed classes on those days. You will not be allowed to make up more than 2 beers in one day (that would be irresponsible, and not in line with the field of study).You will be provided with a notebook for class, where you can track your achievements, and get a shopkeeper's signature on each day. Please bring your "Study Guide" with you every day.LET'S GET STARTED!1) Simply register yourself (there is NO COST to register, but you must be at least 21 years of age) - here: http://provisions101.eventbrite.com2) Attend your first day of class on Feb. 3rd between the hours of 10am-10pm to pick up your course materials3) Enjoy a beer! You deserve it!We will answer any questions you may have on the first day of class.SIGN UP NOW! LATE ADMISSIONS WILL BE EVALUATED ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS, AND WILL HAVE TO MAKE UP FOR ANY MISSED DAYS. Sign up here: http://provisions101.eventbrite.com