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Claim this breweryAmerican Brown Ale5.1% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
International Pale Lager7.0% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
If you're looking for another reason to try Pretty Things this summer, we hope a well-stated 7% pale lager might be a good bet too. We hear what you're saying: "a filtered Pretty Things lager"? Nothing strange about that, we love all sorts of beers! This time we were looking to make the un-lawnmower beer. The first step in the process is to filter so that it can be more portable, without sediment to worry about disturbing. Put it in your coolers, your picnic baskets... your saddlebags. Take it to family reunions and pie eating contests, parades, beaches, fancy mustache conventions, wherever good summer fun happens! Then fire up the grill, not just once - how about like every day! Get out the horse shoes, kick up your feet and forget that oily red jalopy out back even has a purpose.
American Stout7.0% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
Babayaga, Pretty Things autumn seasonal beer, appears each year just as the winds begin to blow a little stronger and the nights bring Winter’s first frost. The beer is a 7% export-strength woodland stout.
Abt/Quadrupel9.0% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
All aboard the baby tree! This is our first Pretty Things seasonal beer: A Springtime quadrupel brewed with dried plums. Batch 2 is out in stores now. Baby Tree is a Belgian-inspired beer, also inspired by springtime, lambs, Yorkshire and babies-in-trees... Baby tree is a "quadruple" brewed with a single strain of Belgian yeast. While a commonly used style name on the internet, "quadruple" isn't in fact a style name at all but a brand of beer produced by La Trappe in the Netherlands. Its found a common usage as a cover-all for the darkest and strongest beers produced by Trappist monks, mainly because they haven't named them themselves. Two Belgian brewers use the term "Abt", Flemish for "Abbot". Historically the best beer made in an abbey (by the Cistercians/Trappists at least) was referred to in Latin simply as "prima melior". This has also become a brand name in recent years.
Belgian Pale Ale7.0% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
Name aside, C.M. Sisyphus is a subtle beer, full of yeast, bacteria, leafy hops and grains. Mr. Sisyphus's roots are Vienna-style lager malts, which give a golden orange colour and a malty nuttiness. Light esters and phenols from four strains of yeast give fragrance, and a malolactic bacteria has softened the acidity during conditioning and will continue to do so in the bottle. At his extremities you?ll find herbal German Hallertau and American Crystal hops, like leaves basking in the sun. Finally come Balaton cherries, with their spicy, musty, earthy character emerging in the foreground.
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
In early 2011, we once again teamed up with Ron Pattinson (our very favorite brewing Historian), to recreate a beer from history. Ron?s taken us back to colonial India in the 1850s. The rum-drinking troops (or ?squaddies?) were dying at alarming rates until a beer sent from London to India saved them. No, that whole IPA story is a bit of a ruse? In fact, India Porters outnumbered Pale Ales 2:1! This recipe dates back to a brewsheet from Barclay Perkins Brewery in London, from 1955.
Saison7.0% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
Fieldmouse's Farewell is our late Spring/early Summer (come on Summer!) seasonal beer. A saison that is slightly sweeter, slightly more full-bodied and golden than Jack D?Or, and therefore might be slightly more approachable, depending on your taste for hops (fewer bittering hops in this beer). The hops are wonderful, old-world French hops from Alsace. We happened upon them, along with their representatives, at the Craft Brewers? Conference and we were immediately smitten.
Belgian Tripel8.5% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
For our second Spring, and each Spring since, we?ve made this pale gold, hoppy triple. This is a fun and Springy beer: possibly even our fun-est beer. In Yorkshire, they say ?White Rabbits? on the first of the month for luck, and here?s to a lovely warm Springtime for all of us! The beer is 8.5% abv, with Saaz, Styrian Goldings and Amarillo hops added aplenty. Fluffy mouthfeel: yes, really! There?s a faint sweetness with tropical fruit undertones.
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
Hops are bitter weeds of spite, That blunt the sugars, try to bite?? We wanted a beer that was dry and bitter, and that?s what we got. 5.4% abv with all UK grown hedgerow variety hops: Pioneer, Boadicea and Sovereign. No American hops are used in the making of this beer. You know what? If you think you like hoppy beers, this might surprise you. It?s a different kind of bitterness to US hops. These hops are leafy weeds, very bitter and less aromatic.
International Dark Lager7.0% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
American IPA7.0% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
Meadowlark IPA is a new juicy and floral hoppy ale we brewed to celebrate the flavor and spirit of American craft brewing. This 7% alcohol beer has a sunny orange-gold colour, 60 International Bittering Units, a smooth mouthfeel and layers of soft flowery hops. We wove fragrant Citra and Bravo hops from the Pacific Northwest with intensely fruity Galaxy hops from Australia. The malts are English pale & crystal, flaked barley with malty highlights from Munich malt and Roast Barley.
Dark Mild10.5% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
The first historical recreation from Pretty Things. February 27th, 1832 is a London XXXX Mild Ale first brewed on Brick Lane. It is a 10.5% alcohol beer: golden colored, with Kent Golding leaf hops. It was brewed without refrigeration, and we followed the original brewday document, as collected by brewing historian Ron Pattinson.
English Barleywine12.1% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA
Inspired by malted barley, a tribute to the barleycorn. It's simple, but that?s what barleywines are all about. Ever since brewing in England, Dann has dreamed of making a barley-focused beer using the malts of Yorkshire (and never hesitates to plug his favorite: Thomas Fawcett & Sons). The American version of a barleywine is normally a sad beer indeed, lots of hops and alcohol but the star of the show is left scratching his chin in the eaves of the theatre. This is not one of those beers.
British Brown Ale5.9% ABV
Pretty Things Beer & Ale ProjectCambridge, MA