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Claim this breweryAmerican IPA5.0% ABV87 IBU
Ghost River BrewingMemphis, TN
What do a Japanese raccoon dog and an Americanized Red Rye Lager have in common? The world may never know...This delicious lager is packed full of German barley and malted rye, resulting in a very clean and well-balanced blend of sweet and spicy goodness. The Tanooki suit is also the best power-up from Super Mario Bros 3, except for that wind up boot thing, but that doesn't count... There is a well balanced hint of bready sweetness and a very distinguishable smack of spicy rye character and creamy texture.
Cream Ale5.2% ABV13 IBU
Ghost River BrewingMemphis, TN
A light cream ale designed to be enjoyable to all types of beer enthusiasts. The subtle malt and hop flavors tease your palette
Ghost River BrewingMemphis, TN
Ghost River BrewingMemphis, TN
Ghost River BrewingMemphis, TN
Ghost River BrewingMemphis, TN