Explore the specialty beverage world

Find great beer, spirits, wine and cocktails nearby

TapHunter App Beverage Reviews


Discover the best local bars, restaurants, tasting rooms, and bottle shops around you and wherever you go. Know what is on tap before you go.

Follow and review

Keep track of what you're drinking and follow favorites. Get notified when your favorites become available nearby.


Keep up with upcoming events and specials at your favorite places.

Sell craft beer, spirits, or wine?

We have all the tools you need to manage your beverage program and grow your business.

  • Update your print menu, digital menu, website, and social media in just a few clicks
  • Engage with your patrons on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Integrate with your POS
  • Take inventory and prevent loss
  • Bring in new and loyal customers
Business product screenshot